ONE survey conducted by Forbes to estimate how long New Year’s resolutions last among people….
53% of people quit within 3 months and only 1% made it through the full 12 months.
It’s safe to say there’s a problem with the way we approach goal setting, and since “getting fitter” was the most common solution, we need to change the way we approach exercise in 2024 to stay on target .
But how could one do this?
Make it your identity… Not just a phase
As we all know, starting a habit is easy, maintaining it is difficult.
This is because most people (myself included) tend to develop a habit of pushing away an unpleasant emotion.
“I want to lose weight” translates to a person who wants to remove that unpleasant feeling of being overweight and therefore wants to take action.
This is a good way to approach exercise, but there are several downsides to this method: What if you lose weight, would you stop exercising then? Or “I’ve lost weight for 2 weeks in a row, I’m going to take this week off”.
A better way to rewire your brain to stick with exercise is an idea introduced by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. She stated that changing the way you think about the habit and making it part of your identity increases the chances that it will stick.
For example: “I want to lose weight” could become “I am a fit person” or “I am an active person”.
My personal example for this year was to start taking ice baths every day. I told myself “I am someone who takes care of their mind and body”, and it is a habit that is still going strong to this day!
By thinking this way, you change how you see yourself and place more importance on habits, simply because you are now personally connected to them.
Familiarize yourself with the 4 phases of the journey
Alex Hormozi, a famous internet personality and YouTuber, talked about 4 stages that every person goes through when engaging in a new activity:
- Uninformed Optimism. The place where you get that wave of motivation and are ready to dive headfirst into your new fitness habit.
- Informed pessimism. Little by little, you realize that it is not as easy and satisfying as you initially thought. This is the part where you realize what it’s going to take.
- Crisis of meaning. The make-or-break phase, where you either give up and tell yourself “This is not what I wrote about”. You question everything and step out of your comfort zone.
- Updated Optimism. Few people reach this stage. This is where you decide to rewire your brain and change the way you approach the new habit. You’re excited about the trip again, but now you’re informed!
Knowing these steps is important because you become familiar with your emotions and take more control of yourself.
Track everything (and hold yourself accountable)
In 2024, technology continues to play an important role in shaping our fitness journeys.
Harness the power of fitness trackers, apps and smart devices to track your progress.
While tracking is the best way to track your progress, it’s also a great way to be satisfied with your results, and that’s because you can see every win.
Imagine a week where you went to the gym 3 times (for the first time)…I promise you will feel on top of the world!
Watch everything!!! The number of times you exercise, your reps, your sets, your weight, your weight limits, your BPM while running, etc. There are many self improvement apps at our disposal, use them.
Put yourself in the best conditions to succeed
Our environment shapes our behaviors, there is no cheat code to it.
Our lifestyle, our schedule, our companionship, our mental health and everything that surrounds us dictates how we act on a daily basis.
Getting your mind and body in a good space is key to reaching your resolutions. Don’t be afraid to redesign your life and adjust yourself to workout.
If you are tired at night, try to exercise in the morning. Prioritize a workout over going out with your friends (Going out after exercise is a great feeling, for those who didn’t know).
And finally, the scariest topic in the world of fitness is to watch what you eat. A healthy eating habit goes hand in hand with exercise… they reinforce each other.
Notice how I didn’t say diet, but healthy eating habits. Switch to whole foods, get your macros in, and sub in some superfoods or super drinks… there are tons of ways to stay fit and hydrated.
You don’t need to track every calorie you eat or drink… that’s not a convenient lifestyle.
The saying goes: “the best workout is the one you stick with”, this also applies to eating habits!
Keep adapting
One thing about building a habit is that it takes building. Exercise is quite a major change in one’s life and one needs to adjust to it.
Most fitness habits fall apart because they don’t adapt.
There will be times when you won’t be able to work out, or your workouts won’t be as productive, or you’ll feel like you haven’t made any progress…
These moments are normal. It’s important to recognize when these moments happen and tell yourself it’s temporary.
Lagging is expected and not a major problem. The best way to approach this problem is to simply adjust. If one type of exercise isn’t working for you, switch it up.
There are many ways to reach a goal, you just have to find yours… whether it’s getting stronger through weightlifting, swimming or cycling for cardio, or even working out jiu-jitsu for weight loss.
Trial and error is your best friend on this journey. Try new things you see online, copy someone’s habits and stop doing exercises that hurt too much.
It’s supposed to be hard, but not unbearable… Once your habit is formed and it fits into your life like a puzzle, it will all pay off.
Ask for help…It’s your right
One of the worst feelings out there is working so hard for something and seeing it go to waste.
Asking for help, especially in the fitness community, is…expected.
No one figures it out on their own. Ask for advice on what exercises to do, proper form and what to eat to support your journey.
Help can also be in the form of a training partner. The benefits of a gym partner in crime are endless, from motivating each other, keeping each other accountable, spotting your form, correcting each other, you name it.
However, it is important not to rely on a training partner. This is because your schedule could interfere and you end up missing some sessions for a reason beyond your control.
Instead, what I do is set a schedule for myself where my partner is available and if he doesn’t show up, I could do a solo session.
Go The Extra Mile (Smarter, Not Harder)
I suggest going the extra mile to ensure you keep yourself on track and get excited about your progress.
But how do you go the extra mile without burning out?
This is the hard part… Less is more in fitness, and you have to manage yourself and listen to your body.
Going the extra mile can mean reclaiming your body by going inside a sauna after a workout, for example. Or hire a personal trainer for more support. Or by reading and informing yourself about best practices.
Remember, it’s 2024, resources are unlimited, and you’re one article away from achieving your goals!
Final thoughts
Defining resolutions is easy, respecting them is difficult. Changing our approach is vital to achieving a successful year in fitness.
And this approach is not just limited to fitness, but can be translated into every other area of life.
If you have a habit you’d like to stick with but are having a hard time doing, now you know it’s something you can work on… and that starts with rewiring your brain.
Rayen Monzer is a football player and passionate health writer who aims to inspire people to live their best lives physically, mentally and spiritually. He owns it Ray’s Lifestyle Fielda blog about improving one’s health through exercise and activities.
(This article was reviewed by a psychologist Foud Monger)
Erin shows overscheduled, overworked women how to do less to achieve more. Traditional productivity books — written by men — barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures women feel when faced with a to-do list. How to do Sh*t it’ll teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life you want to excel in, and then show you how to offload, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.