Female nipples in particular come in different shapes and sizes and change with our body through breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, surgery and all the others we find in life.
If you’ve ever wondered about your nips – and most of us do some time – here’s a distribution of all you need to know about nipples.
Why do men have nipples?
The operation of nipples in females is quite obvious. Female mammals during pregnancy and nipples serve the biological function of baby feed. But why do men have them? Well, you may have heard someone say, “We all start a woman.”
This is an over -service but there is some truth in it – all embryos start with the ability become a man or female. In the early stages of development, the embryos of both sexes have structures that have the ability to develop either female or male reproductive organs (and occasionally a mixture of both).
When the fetus is about seven weeks, some genes which determine the sex of the baby activate and lead to the formation of specific reproductive organs. However, breasts and nipples are formed before the genes kick; So, even when a baby grows in a male, the cells around the breast -forming chest and nipples remain, so men have nipples.
More people have multiple nipples than you think
As with any other part of the body, abnormalities can occur during structural development. Indeed, around 1 in 20 people have additional (hyper -mammal) nipples. Most of the time these nipples are not functional and are often confused as a small colored mole.
Why do women have hair in their nipples?
While many women may have a few hairs, or only one hair in their nipple, some women develop long, coarse or dark hair in their nipples for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, hair in your nipples is not a cause of concern (except cosmetics).
However, sudden hair growth in your nipples, or a large amount of hair in the nipple area could be due hormonal imbalances like the ones described shortly below. If you suspect that any of the underlying conditions could be the cause of your hairy nipples, you should consult your doctor, who can order tests to confirm and possibly relieve your condition.
Producing too many male hormones
Overproduction of male hormones such as testosterone can lead to hair growth along with symptoms such as:
- Irregular or no menstrual periods
- Adult acne
- Male pattern
- Increased mass of skeletal muscles
Some types of drugs such as glucocorticosteroids, testosterone and certain immunotherapy medicines can cause hair to grow in your nipples.
Hormonal fluctuations
Hormonal fluctuations are common, especially during menopause and pregnancy. However, sometimes shifting to our hormone levels it can make nipple hair to make it more noticeable or suddenly emerge.
Cushing Syndrome
Cushing syndrome is caused by an excess cortisol in the body and is usually associated with taking corticosteroids. Symptoms include:
- High blood pressure
- Abnormal periods
- Increased hair growth
- Accumulation of fat around the trunk, neck and shoulders, but not the edges
- Swelling face or “moon face”
Nipples come in all shapes, colors and sizes
Many of us have been prepared from a young age by western mainstream media and (certain) porn to believe that the “perfect” nipple is small and pink. Fortunately, this seems to change with the nipples to be done fashionand many more diversity in porn.
Just remember: Get your annual mammography, and as it controls, your nipples are absolutely nice.
Inverted nipples are normal
Inverted nipples, also known as nipples, is when the nipple inward and not outward. Up to 10%-20% Women are born with one or both inverted nipples. The overwhelming majority of time, naturally inverted nipples, is not a cause of concern.
Most women with inverted nipples can Still breastfeeding. Babies can usually mourn, although they may need to do it throughout the area depending on how long the nipple is protruding. Stimulation and breastfeeding can also cause nipples and become less inverted.
Sometimes, nipples can be inverted by changes in your chest by breastfeeding, menopause, infected milk conductors or complications after chest surgery. However, If you notice that your nipple is suddenly withdrawn, Immediately notify your doctor as this could be a sign of breast cancer in women and men.
How Breastfeeding changes your nipples
There are whole leaflets written in nipples and breastfeeding, so we’ll keep it short with some ordinary ways Nipples can change during pregnancy and lactation:
- Larger, darker Areola – As your English breasts to prepare for the baby, the skin extends and is normal for your Arela (the skin around your nipples) to grow as well. Areolas too grow and darken During pregnancy to make an easier goal for your newborn to find.
- Flattened nipples – Crushed breasts can cause your nipples to level.
- Inverted nipples – If your nipples have always shown outward and start showing, it could be due to infection with your milk conductor. Consult your doctor immediately.
- Irritation and cracks – The dryness and leak of breast milk can irritate your nipples, so it is important to keep your breasts clean and hydrated. There are many nipple creams specifically for lactating mothers that can help. If you develop skin diseases around your area such as psoriasis or eczema, consult your doctor.