Many years ago, the advice doctors gave pregnant women was to rest. This historic advice for pregnant women, according to Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), may be harmful.
Now, doctors advise more exercise for women when they are pregnant.
Can you believe that pregnant women are told to rest as much as possible during their pregnancy, even extended bed rest if complications arise.
Not to mention the nutritional advice that you should “eat for two”.
According to JAMA, however, “these misguided recommendations” have “evolved into a major contributor to the global obesity epidemic.
Fifty years ago, gynecological medicine declared a requirement for women to gain enough weight to ensure healthy fetal development.
But now, the advice has changed.
You knew that?
About 45 percent of today’s expectant mothers begin their pregnancies overweight or obese, compared to 24 percent in 1983.
Did you also know that nearly half of pregnant women now gain more weight at nine months of pregnancy than the amounts recommended by the Institute of Medicine?
Consequences of being overweight during pregnancy?
Experts now believe that obesity feeds obesity through generations. So what they are saying is that an overweight mother is likely to have overweight children.
Being overweight and not exercising can be transmitted through genes as well as lifestyle and environment.
The JAMA opinion
JAMA Viewpoint examines four key aspects of exercise during pregnancy:
1. security
2. benefits
3. the when and how
4. precautions.
The Study and Results
A recent meta-analysis of studies of more than 2,500 pregnant women found no risk of preterm birth or low birth weight in normal-weight women who exercised.
There is clear evidence that moderate exercise is now recommended even for women who did not exercise before becoming pregnant. Yes, even if you haven’t exercised before, there’s no reason you can’t start now.
But just before you do.
I want to stress the point that you MUST seek medical approval before starting any new exercise program. This is in case your personal situation prevents you from doing so.
Once approved, you’re good to go!
When you are pregnant, if you haven’t already, then you can introduce healthy lifestyle choices and habits.
The benefits of exercise during pregnancy
1. less macrosomia (birth of children weighing more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces);
2. less gestational diabetes.
3. less Preeclampsia.
4. Fewer cesarean deliveries.
5. less back pain.
6. less pain in the pelvic area.
7. lower frequency of urinary incontinence.
Lower rates of macrosomia they are also associated with lower childhood and adolescent obesity, which can contribute to weight problems in adulthood.
Is exercise safe when pregnant?
Studies now show that it is safe for pregnant women to do moderate strength training from the first prenatal visit (around 9-12 weeks) until just before delivery.
Are you in a high risk group?
If you have one of the following conditions, you should exercise caution. Seek medical advice or even stop exercising.
1. anemia
2. placenta previa
3. premature contractions
4. high blood pressure
5. persistent vaginal bleeding
6. poor development of the baby
7. twins
8. heart disease
9. pelvic instability
How long should I exercise?
20 to 30 minutes a day is recommended most days of the week. Listen to your body and when needed, rest. This could include a relaxation session or pregnancy yoga class.
What about Intensity?
This is always the challenge for many women who started their pregnancy with a high level of fitness. I get it, you want to keep exercising at a high level and push yourself. But now is not the time to try to set new personal bests!
The guideline for exercise intensity is the “speech test”. Hmmmmm. what is this?
Well, now that’s how much you can talk. But it relies on you being able to carry on a conversation while exercising. This ensures you don’t overexert yourself.
What exercises should be avoided?
1. Long distance running.
1. Because it can raise body temperature and/or cause dehydration.
2. exercising at more than 90 percent of maximum heart rate.
3. lifting heavy weights.
4. performing isometric exercises.
5. exercise in the supine position during the last two trimesters.
How do I stay motivated?
From experience, I know that you’ll be more likely to stick to an exercise plan if it includes activities you enjoy. And it should fit your lifestyle and daily schedule.
Consider these tips:
1. Try a course
I love teaching my prenatal classes. Along with studio classes, you can find qualified prenatal instructors teaching at health centers, sports medicine clinics, and hospitals.
2. Start slow and then build up
You don’t need to join a gym or go all out when you start exercising. In fact, I want you to start slowly and progress with each week. Just move by walking if that’s best for you.
3. Exercise with a partner
Exercise can be more interesting if you use the time to chat with a friend. You will encourage each other when you need to get out and be active.
Listen to your body
Watch for signs of trouble.
Stop exercising if you have:
1. Dizziness
2. Headache
3. Vaginal bleeding.
4. Increased shortness of breath before starting exercise.
5. Chest pain.
6. Painful uterine contractions continuing after rest.
7. Calf pain or swelling.