Is it possible to cause wrinkles by how you take care of your skin?
Genetics influence the appearance and behavior of our skin to some extent, but how quickly your skin ages is greatly influenced by your daily habits.
That’s good news, because it means you can slow down the appearance of wrinkles if you avoid these ten mistakes!
10 mistakes that cause wrinkles
1. It doesn’t protect your skin from the sun.
Dermatologists say that UV radiation from the sun is enemy number one when it comes to skin aging. Although we need the vitamin D that our skin produces when exposed to the sun, overexposure damages the skin’s strength and elasticity, accelerating the formation of wrinkles.
To do: Avoid exposing sensitive skin areas to the sun during peak hours from 10:00 AM. to 3:00 p.m. Use a safe sunscreen of at least SPF 30 that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide on your face every day.
Mistakes that cause wrinkles 2. Smoking/vaping.
Smoking and/or vaping is horrible for your skin. Nicotine constricts the tiny capillaries that bring blood to the surface of the skin, which slows the cells’ ability to move away, making it harder for the skin to rid itself of toxins. Nicotine also contributes to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, leading to premature sagging and sagging.
To do: If you smoke, ask your doctor about options to help you quit. Don’t be afraid to try and try again—most people try many times before they succeed. If you don’t smoke or don’t smoke, don’t start!
3. It doesn’t provide your skin with pollution-resistant nutrients.
Pollution can easily accelerate damage to your skin. It contains free radicals that change a cell’s genetics and activate proteins that break down collagen. In a 2019 studyresearchers reported that indoor and outdoor air pollutants affect skin metabolism, create inflammation, cause oxidative stress (from free radicals) and accelerate aging.
To do: Eat more healthy fruits and vegetables, as they contain antioxidants that fight free radicals and help your skin resist free radical damage. Then apply skin care solutions that contain powerful antioxidants. Good choices include solutions with vitamin C, vitamin E, Reiki mushrooms, turmeric, niacinamide, CoQ10, and beta carotene.
(Check out our CV Skinlabs products—all contain powerful antioxidants to help fight pollution-induced skin damage.)
4. The failure of healthy eating.
Speaking of fruits and vegetables, eat a healthy diet if you want to delay the formation of wrinkles. Eating too many high-fat, high-sodium, and high-sugar foods floods your skin with ingredients that break down collagen and elastin and accelerate skin aging. Fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and lean proteins all have ingredients that help nourish skin from the inside out, helping it look its most youthful self.
To do: Eat healthy foods most of the time. Make it a habit to add more fruits and vegetables to every meal and avoid refined flour and highly processed foods that irritate the skin, cause breakouts and make wrinkles more noticeable.
5. Consuming too much sugar.
You may eat healthy most of the time, but then consume a lot of sugar. It’s easy to do. Check the ingredient labels on your food and you’ll see that even products you think would be healthy, like bread, soup and yogurt, can be full of sugar. If you have a sweet tooth or a daily soda habit, chances are you’re consuming far more sugar than you should be – not just for your skin, but for your health in general.
Sugar damages the skin through a process called glycosylation. Sugar molecules attach to proteins, lipids (fats) or nucleic acids, creating advanced glycation end products that damage the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.
The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day (25 grams or 100 calories) and men no more than 9 teaspoons per day (36 grams or 150 calories). Most Americans eat far more than that.
To do: Cut back on sugar where you can. Read food labels to see how much added sugar is in the product you’re considering buying. Look for low or no sugar options. Then replace your sugary soda with mineral water, tea or coffee and cut back on sugary treats.
6. Neglecting stress relief.
We all have stress in our lives. If we don’t practice a daily routine to eliminate it, our skin can suffer the consequences. As we noted in a previous post, scientists have discovered a clear link between psychological stress and the onset or worsening of skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis, as well as skin problems such as acne and dryness.
When you are stressed, the body releases hormones to help you cope. As long as the stress doesn’t last long, you’ll be fine. But if stress becomes chronic or long-term, these hormones continue to circulate in the body where they can cause skin inflammation, breakouts, redness and premature aging.
To do: Adopt a daily stress-relieving activity that you enjoy—something that helps you relax and forget about the day’s challenges. Some good options include walking in nature, meditation, journaling, deep breathing, spending time with positive loved ones, art therapy, listening to music you like, and engaging in your favorite hobbies.
7. Excessive alcohol consumption.
Excess alcohol can dry out the skin, damage the skin’s outer barrier and create inflammation. Women need to be even more careful than men. As we noted in this post, research has shown that women’s bodies metabolize alcohol differently, meaning that whenever women drink, it affects them more than men and for a longer period of time.
The negative effects of alcohol on the skin include:
- Dryness
- Inflammation
- Breakdown of collagen and elastin (sagging and bagging)
- Reduced blood flow (depriving the skin of the nutrients it needs)
- Disturbed sleep
To do: If you like to drink, limit the amount you drink to moderate levels. For best results, drink only on special occasions.
8. Failure to get enough sleep.
While you sleep, your skin performs important repair processes that help your skin recover from the day’s activities and prepare for the next day. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body will produce more stress hormones that can inhibit the ability of skin cells to renew themselves. If you are chronically sleep deprived, you will see it in the aged appearance of your skin. In fact, just one night of poor sleep can make your skin look older the next day.
To do: Get up and go to bed at the same time every day and try to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Make sure you have a supportive mattress and a quiet and cool bedroom. Avoid taking technological gadgets (phone, tablet, computer) to bed with you.
9. Not using a quality moisturizer.
There is a strong link between skin dryness and premature aging. Dry skin signals a problem with the skin’s outer barrier. When healthy, the skin can retain the moisture it has and the skin appears soft and supple. If the outer barrier is compromised, the skin loses moisture more easily and looks dry.
Dry skin also shows wrinkles more easily, while hydrated skin can hide them better.
To do: Use a quality moisturizer every day and every night. Read the label on your product to make sure it will actually help your skin, not just cover it up. Some department store brands are full of perfume and vaseline products that do little but cover the skin and smell nice. If your skin feels tight an hour or two after application, you’re using the wrong moisturizer.
Try Calming Moisture and Body Repair Lotion for all-day hydration and hydration. Both products contain quality ingredients that sink deep into the skin to not only hydrate but help heal the outer barrier so the skin can better retain its moisture.
10. Failing to stick to a daily skin care routine.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the saying goes, and that holds true for skin care. There is no substitute for daily, careful skin care when it comes to preventing premature wrinkles.
To do: Establish a regular routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, then stick to it every morning and night, no matter what! Make sure the products you use are gentle, safe and suitable for your skin. Our Rescue + Relief Spray makes the perfect toner as it hydrates, cools and hydrates all at the same time. Then follow with our Calming Moisture for all-day comfort.
Have you made mistakes that cause wrinkles?
Featured image courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels.