March 3 -7, 2025, is Obesity care week.
The term “microdosing” probably makes you think of psychedelic drugs – and us. But the latest trend in the microdaki involves taking small quantities of popular weight loss drugs known as GLP-1s.
GLP-1 drugs have revolutionized the way we treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. Injectable drugs mimic a hormone in the gut-like glycogen-1 peptide (GLP-1), which helps manage blood sugar, reduce appetite and slow stomach license so you can feel more fully.
Although GLP-1 drugs have been diabetes for decades, they have recently been approved for weight loss by the Federal Medicines Service (FDA) and this has led to a significant increase in popularity and increased microscopy.
Medicines and GLP-1 microdic downside
Microdosing GLP-1 medicines mean taking smaller doses than the standard or recommended by the manufacturer.
Microdose people for a variety of reasons. For one, the recent demand for GLP-1 drugs has raised ongoing issues of benefits and some people to help stretch their offer.
A lack of drugs may be especially concerned for people in GLP-1s, taking into account that research It shows that people who stop taking some GLP-1 are likely to recover weight without the drug.
Microdosing GLP-1S has also made the rounds of social media as a way to reduce the cost of the drug.
GLP-1 medicines are not cheap. The price varies depending on insurance-if you have insurance-and which GLP-1 is prescribed to you. But for reference, most GLP-1 medicines cost more than $ 1,000 a month without insurance.
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In addition to supply and cost, Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPAAssociate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the Harvard Medical School and medical medical medical participant at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center, said that the reasons for microdia can include:
- Minimizing the possible side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) that can occur in higher doses
- To gradually take the body used for the drug before growing in a complete therapeutic dose
- To experiment with the effects of the drug on appetite and weight loss in lower doses
Does Microdosing GLP-1S work?
For some people, microdosing GLP-1 medicines can work for their health goals. According to Holly F. Lofton, MD, Director of the Weight Medical Management Program at NYU Langone Health and a member of the Healthywomen Women’s Advisory Advisory Council [the] Recommended doses and can notice weight loss and other benefits during miniature break. ”
However, there is not much research to support the benefits of microdia and for this reason, professional organizations such as the American Diabetes Association do not support the microdia. The best thing to do is to talk to the healthcare provider about the dose, costs and other concerns you may have before making any changes.
Is Microdosing GLP-1 medicines safe?
Many GLP-1 microdic drugs receive a complex GLP-1, which means that the drug was done in a complex pharmacy and was not approved by the FDA for safety, quality or efficiency. But the lack of FDA supervision can lead to the fact that the ingredients are very strong, not strong enough or even harmful to your health.
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Anyone who gets GLP-1 should choose FDA-approved drugs when possible to know exactly what you get-and how much you take. FDA-approved GLP-1 drugs come in pens with an accurate dosage, while GLP-1 complex medicines usually come in a syringe vial that can provide greater flexibility for microdia, but also opens the opportunity to take too many or very small drugs. And, again, everything in the vial has not been evaluated by the FDA.
“The safety of GLP-1 microdic drugs is not established,” Stanford said. “The potential risks include inadequate disease management, unpredictable side effects and interactions with other medicines.”
Don’t be fooled by social media
It’s easy to get trapped in what you see and hear on the internet, but if it looks too good to be true – it’s probably. There are illegal online pharmacies that sell GLP-1 medicines and these medicines are not controlled for safety. Overall, it is important to talk to the healthcare provider before making any changes or try a new medicine. The microdic downturn may sound like it is a small thing – but it can have a big impact on your health.
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