Interview highlights 11–15 about bodybuilding, fit after 40, Superwoman syndrome and more
A few years ago, I hosted a podcast called Health issues. It was a show for women who wanted to improve their mental and physical health.
Each week, I featured a new expert. These experts provided insight into their specific area of expertise.
Today, I’m sharing highlights from interviews 11-15:
- Fit for Freedom with Laurie Graves.
- The Bodybuilding Approach to Health and Weight Loss with Summer Breskow.
- How to Avoid Superwoman Complex with Nicole Swiner.
- You Can Be Fit After 40 With Liz Faison.
- The 3 Biggest Mistakes That Keep Christian Women Overweight with Cathy Morenzie.
Fit for freedom with Laurie Graves
Laurie Graves began the next set of interviews. She is a NASM certified personal trainer who works with contestants and former contestants from NBC’s The Biggest Loser and ABC’s Extreme Weight Loss.
Laurie lost 90 pounds and has kept it off for over 10 years. But it wasn’t until she neared the end of her weight loss journey that she became still enough to hear that God wanted to lift this heavy burden from her. And he wanted to give her peace. She wanted to love her body.
He went on to explain how we long for what the world has to offer instead of receiving the peace we are told we can have.
The only way to return to the truth is to rediscover who we are in Christ.
And there is really only one way to find out who we are in Christ and that is by spending time with the Father, in His Word, through prayer and truly seeking Him.
Lori shared with us her pre-dinner prayer: “Lord, will you glorify me in this choice?” and then pray, “Lord, wilt Thou be glorified in this portion?”
The bodybuilding approach to health and weight loss with Summer Breskow
Summer Breskow was once 295 pounds and very skinny, but has since lost over 140 pounds. He achieved this by focusing on macros – fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
She explained that she used MyFitnessPal to help her with the math to figure out how much of each macro she should eat each day. It’s a free app for your phone or desktop that helps you track your food. It will tell you how much fat, carbs and protein you had throughout the day and help you create your menu.
How to Avoid Superwoman Complex with Nicole Swiner
My next guest was Nicole Swiner, family doctor, wife and mother of two. Nicole talked about Superwoman Complex.
She explained that in researching her book and dealing with patients like herself who were working moms or at home taking care of the family, etc. in fact she came across the term Superwoman Syndrome.
It came out of the idea that women were going into the workforce in the 1950s and 1960s, right after the war, becoming a little more career-oriented either by force or by choice, and then, a few decades later, realizing that these women they were carrying a lot of weight and burden on their shoulders.
Not only are they now getting out of the house and holding down full-time jobs and hustling and working their way up the ladder at work, but then they still had to come home and do the usually conservative, standard ideas of a woman and a wife and a mom.
They had to balance those two worlds and realized they weren’t doing such a great job. Many were dealing with medical issues that came from dealing with the amount of stress that had to do with both worlds.
The fact that we often feel like we have to be perfect in all areas ends up hurting us in many ways.
Nicole suggested two steps:
- The first is to acknowledge that you are overwhelmed.
- After you make that assessment then you need to put your words into action.
You can be fit after 40 with Liz Faison
Liz Faison and her husband started Fit for Christ because being fit is not only physical but also spiritual and emotional. They noticed a huge gap in the personal training industry when it came to a person’s overall wellness.
Liz talked about three things a woman over 40 can do every day for better health:
- Get up in the morning and drink 2 cups of warm water.
- Power train.
- Sleep enough.
She then talked about time as the biggest obstacle most women have to getting fit. And the second is feeling like we’re being selfish when we take care of ourselves.
The 3 Biggest Mistakes That Keep Christian Women Overweight with Cathy Morenzie
Cathy Morenzie, an award-winning personal trainer, author, blogger and presenter, has been a leader in the health and wellness industry for nearly 30 years.
Cathy talked about why she thinks the topic of weight loss seemed to be especially challenging for Christian women.
He explained the 3 biggest mistakes Christian women make:
- Thought stinks.
- Surface scratch.
- Auto pilot.
And he gave strategies to overcome these mistakes.
This concludes the highlights of Part III of interviews with health experts. Although the podcast is no longer available, if you would like a copy of any of the full transcripts of the interview, please email me.
This was an excerpt from the Health Matters Podcast, believing that prayer and Bible study are to the spirit what exercise and healthy eating are to the body.
Blessings on your journey to health.
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