Generosity can be defined in several ways. One definition is the quality of being ready or liberal in giving, while another is the quality of being kind or generous. Each of these refers to an innate desire to give, enrich or better something or someone else.
Generosity goes beyond a definition or concept. It is a set of intentional choices to look beyond ourselves, identify a need, and respond to meet it.
It is, at its core, an expression of love for another. no matter how short, small or insignificant it seems to be, it has meaning and matters. No act of kindness is too small.
It also helps that helping others can have a major positive impact on your health, both physically and mentally.
7 Benefits of Being Generous
Being generous has many psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of being generous.
1. Better relationships
Generosity can help with an important aspect of your overall health – your social health. Generous people are more likely to have better relationships and social lives, which means great social health.
2. A happier mood
According to the Bible, there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
This statement is true in its entirety. Giving makes you happy and it can be medically proven. Being generous has been linked to the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes feelings of warmth, euphoria, and deep connection with others.
In addition, a 2008 study from Harvard Business School found that giving money to someone else made study participants happier than spending it on themselves.
So being generous is a great way to make yourself happy and support your emotional health.
3. Reduced blood pressure
One way to improve your cardiovascular health is to help your friends and family.
Participants in 2006 study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, those who provided social support to people in their network had lower total blood pressure and blood pressure than those who did not.
Additionally, those in the study who were more likely to give to others reported receiving more social support.
Small gestures like offering homemade dishes make you feel good inside, and your friend may be tempted to return the favor.
4. Reduction of stress
Hoarding money looks great for your wallet, but not so good for your health. A study published in PLOS found that miserly behavior increases stress.
The researchers asked 156 volunteers to participate in a negotiation game in which they had to decide how to divide a sum of money.
Using heart rate monitors, they found that players who bid low – less than 40% of the total, had higher heart rates and stress levels than those who bid high – more reason to consider donating money to those in need .
5. Satisfaction
It’s natural to feel jealous from time to time. Almost anyone has gone through life without desiring something unattainable, such as a more luxurious car or house.
While it’s natural to feel this way occasionally, it’s also important to be content with what you have, which is more likely if you’re generous.
Generous people tend to live happier lives with their homes, cars, and other possessions. They are also less likely to believe that having more money would make them happier.
Also, generous people hardly ever struggle to save money, even though some forms of generosity may involve financial donations.
6. A deeper sense of satisfaction
Everyone wishes to be happy in life, and generosity seems to be an essential ingredient.
ONE study reports that 74% of respondents with high generosity confessed to being satisfied with their lives, compared to 60% with low generosity. Respondents with high generosity were also more than twice as likely to say they were very satisfied with their lives.
Generous people are happier in every area of life, such as friendships, family, marriages, emotionally and financially.
7. Improved self-esteem
How you feel about yourself can affect every aspect of your life, for better or worse, and there’s evidence that a generous lifestyle benefits your self-esteem.
In our study on the latter point, of people in the high generosity group, when asked if they were proud of who they were, 74% said yes.
This percentage dropped to 51% among those with low generosity. Generous people are more likely to say they live moral and trustworthy lives.
Being generous can have a significant impact on the quality of your life. The above health benefits of being generous should motivate you to make generosity a habit. It can make you happier and healthier and improve your interpersonal relationships.
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