When we think of spring, we might imagine the rebirth and renewal that comes with warmer weather and longer days. It is usually a time to celebrate, to flock spring flower festivals and spend more time in nature.
Spending time in nature or doing things outside, such as exercising the gardening, it cheers us up.
But this year, with one early start with wildfire season and the promise of long, warm months ahead, we may see our views on the warmer months begin to change.
For some, the next few months are not a celebration. It is something to be feared or pitied.
In particular, communities and emergency responders that have experienced wildfires or drought in the past may see rising levels stress and anxiety as they face the coming months.
Read more: The sun is coming: how the weather affects our mood
How is this spring different?
In recent weeks, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology declared two climate events are now underway: El Niño and a positive one Indian Ocean Dipole.
These events predict warmer, drier conditions through the summer, as well as more intense heat, wildfires, and droughts.
In temperate and subtropical regions, our summers are average fetching warmer and longer, and winters are getting warmer and shorter. Climate change is the main driver from these displacements.
Read more: Explained: El Niño and La Niña
What happens to our mood as the temperature rises?
Higher temperatures and prolonged heat are associated with attack and higher rates of emergency hospital admissions for medical conditions, heat-related injuries and mental health concerns.
After an extreme weather event or disaster, rates of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress increase.
Many Australians have already experienced psychological and physical effects fires, droughts, floods and heat waves.
For some communities and individuals, experiencing these types of events can mean that they are more resilient or prepared for the future. For others, the prospect of increasing heat or other climate threats may trigger worry. They may also ask pretraumatic stress – the anxiety that comes before expected loss or trauma.
Also Read: Worried about heat and fire this summer? Here’s how to prepare
Anxiety, anger and sadness
As climate-related events become more widespread, people may also be increasingly affected by emotions such as stress, anger, and sadness.
Climate concern refers to fear, dread and concern about climate change. Anxiety can be a useful response as it allows us to prepare for and respond to future threats. For example, climate stress can help prompt pro-environmental behavior and climate action, such as participating in a protest. But this kind of stress can also be done undue.
The loss of wildlife and nature due to wildfires can make people feel mourning for what is lost, and anger about the lack of action to prevent these losses.
Losses could also be more personal, including damage to health, livelihoods, homes or even the ability to do enjoyable outdoor activities such as sports or exercise outside.
Another experience, homesickness, is the “sickness you feel when you’re still at home.” The researchers suggest Solatalgia is a type of anxiety when someone perceives negative changes and gradual deterioration of their home environment. These feelings could arise when we notice seasonal and environmental changes in the places we love and call home.
Read more: You’re not the only one who feels helpless. Ecological stress can reach far beyond fire communities
But there are things you can do
We’re heading into the warmer months, strong community support, consistency and preparedness can be especially important. There are also things you can do to maintain and manage your mental health and well-being. Although more research is needed to understand which strategies work best, health professionals I suggest:
you connect with others, especially people you trust and who support your well-being
finding ways to connect with your community either in person (for example, through community gardening) or online (for example, through discussion groups)
take care of your physical and psychological safety (for example, especially during climate-related events) and, if you need it, seek professional support
taking a break from disturbing media content when needed.
Read more: Keeping cool in a warming world: 8 steps to help manage eco-stress
Understandably, people may continue to worry about the times ahead with the ongoing threat of climate change.
To avoid overwhelming yourself, you can also respond and channel your distressed feelings. You can take part community-led climate action projects and spend time outdoors and in nature (even for short bursts of time).
These actions may help maintain the positive links between well-being and nature, regardless of season.
If this article has raised issues for you or if you are concerned about someone you know, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.