Vaginal swelling is a common side effect of rough sex. Here’s why it happens and other causes of vaginal swelling you should know about.
For some, rough sex adds a little thrill to their sexual experience. While it can be fun, rough sex may not be the best for your vaginal health. Since your vagina is a bit of a sensitive organ, rough sex can potentially lead to some side effects, one of the most common being vaginal swelling. That’s right – hard sex can lead to vaginal swelling! This is why you should be a little more careful before being harsh with your partner.
Rough sex is also one of the reasons why some women experience bleeding. Although one or two spots are nothing to worry too much about, you should see a doctor if you experience bleeding with vaginal swelling. In any case, vaginal swelling after sex is not something you can ignore. So, scroll down to know more about this problem and how you can prevent sinus swelling.
Does hard sex cause vaginal swelling?
Did you know that rough sex is one of the most common causes of vaginal swelling? Vaginal skin is very soft and sensitive, hard contact or sex without using lubricant creates more friction, which can lead to discomfort and swelling. A study published in the journal CPC Emergency Medicine found that rough intercourse can lead to vaginal tears, which can increase the risk of unwanted infections.
If you suspect that rough sex is causing vaginal problems, use lube during sex or spend more time on foreplay to avoid it. If the problem persists, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid these vaginal tears and infections.
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What causes sinus swelling?
Hard intercourse is not the only cause of vaginal swelling, here are some of the causes to look out for:
1. Allergies
Some allergic reactions can cause swelling of your vagina and vulva. Vaginal contraceptives, body lotions, soaps, lubricants, tampons, body creams, latex, condoms, etc. they contain chemicals, which can react with the vaginal skin and cause swelling. Additionally, if you are starting to use a new product, make sure it does not contain ingredients that could cause a vaginal infection. Since they are the sensitive parts of your body, you need to be extra careful to avoid this problem and infections as well.
2. Bacterial vaginitis
Bacterial vaginitis occurs when the levels of bacteria, needed to maintain vaginal health, are out of balance. It can cause pain and discomfort in the vagina. Although it can happen to anyone, it is more common in sexually active women. Activities such as unprotected sex and bathing can increase the risk of developing this problem. Vaginal swelling, discharge, vaginal odor, itching and burning during urination are common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
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3. Vaginal irritation
Even if you don’t have an allergy, the body can react to certain products that can cause vaginal irritation. A lot of this has to do with the type of products you use. Detergents, body perfumes, body lotions and detergents, toilet paper and other such products can cause vaginal irritation. All of these contain certain types of chemicals, which can cause swelling of the vagina and vulva.
4. Yeast infections
A yeast infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of candida fungal species in an intimate area. In this condition, many other symptoms such as vaginal swelling, burning sensation, redness, pain during intercourse and urination, skin irritation and thick discharge can be seen.
5. Sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections can cause inflammation of the cervix, called cervicitis. It can lead to symptoms such as swelling, excruciating pain during intercourse, bleeding during the menstrual cycle and changes in the color and smell of discharge.
6. Pregnancy
In case of pregnancy, swelling in the vagina can be observed. As the fetus grows, more weight falls on your pelvis. It also puts pressure on the surrounding muscles and blood vessels and this can cause sinus inflammation. If you experience irritation or itching along with swelling during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor immediately.

How is vaginal swelling treated?
The treatment of vaginal swelling depends on its cause. If this is due to an infection, you should receive appropriate treatment for the infection. It is important to determine the cause of the problem so that the doctor can evaluate and treat it. Here’s how each of these causes should be treated:
1. Bacterial vaginitis: It is important to maintain vaginal pH balance to prevent this problem.
2. Allergic reaction: You need to pay special attention to vaginal hygiene and the type of products you use. You should choose products that are right for you.
3. Vaginal irritation: You should avoid scented products such as pads, tampons and other products. Avoid applying moisturizer or lotion to the area.
4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: This is a general term for many different diseases. Thus, your doctor will make a correct diagnosis and decide the treatment according to the condition that has affected you.
5. Pregnancy: In case of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor to avoid any complications.
How to prevent sinus swelling?
Here are some common ways that can help prevent vaginal swelling:
1. Always wipe from front to back after using the toilet to avoid the risk of contamination.
2. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, so all you need to do is clean the outer layer to use a mild and unscented soap.
3. Use a tissue or soft cotton towel to dry your vagina.
4. Wear cotton underwear to reduce the risk of infection and let the vagina get some fresh air.
5. Avoid washing the inside of your vagina as it can disrupt its natural pH balance, increasing the risk of infections.