| Tara Langdale
Vaginal dilation therapy is a vaginal tightening treatment that involves the use of medical-grade plastic dilators to gently stretch the vaginal muscles over time. This treatment is also known as staged vaginal dilation or vaginal dilation. If you are experiencing vaginal tightness that is causing you discomfort or pain, vaginal dilation therapy may be an effective solution for you. In this blog post, we’ll explain what vaginal dilation is, how it works, and give you five tips to help make dilation successful for you.
1. What is vaginal dilatation?
Vaginal dilation is a treatment that involves the use of gradual vaginal dilation kits to stretch the walls of the vagina and gradually increase their elasticity and flexibility. This treatment is used for vaginosis, a condition where the vaginal walls contract involuntarily when they are penetrated, making penetration painful or in some cases impossible. Dilators come in a variety of shapes and sizes, usually with a tapered tip that gradually increases in size as you progress from one dilator to the next. VuVa Dilator Company magnetic vaginal dilators have been found to be the most comfortable and effective as they feature one of the smallest dilators on the market.
2. Benefits of vaginal dilation
By regularly using a vaginal dilation kit, the vaginal muscles become more elastic and relaxation during sex or any other penetration becomes easier. People who use dilators for vaginal dilation may also experience an increased sense of control and confidence during sexual activity. Here are some other benefits of using magnetic dilators at home:
– Increase blood flow to the walls of the vagina to reduce pain
– Help relax muscles that are tight due to pelvic floor dysfunction or birth trauma in the privacy of your own home.
– Stimulates nerve endings and desensitizes nerves
– Improvement of gynecological examinations
– Helps to restore vaginal muscles after surgery or childbirth
– Support overall sexual health and comfort during intercourse.
3. Five Tips for Using Vaginal Dilators
(a) Relax your mind and body: You should be in a relaxed state while using dilators as you may feel pain or discomfort. Take deep breaths and try drinking a glass of wine before stretching.
(b) Use plenty of oil: It is important to use enough oil when working with expanders. Use a good quality water based lubricant to prevent friction.
(c) Start small and go slow: Start with the smallest dilator and gradually move up as you adjust to the size and feel. Take your time and be patient. Your progress will vary by individual and any underlying conditions.
(d) Establish a routine: Not only do you need to start small, but you also need to create a routine that feels safe and comfortable. Start with a short duration, maybe a minute, and gradually build up to longer sessions. Slow and steady progress should always be the goal.
(e) Use neodymium magnetic expanders: When using magnetic expanderssoften the tissue is lengthened, relaxing the muscles and ligaments. As the tissue relaxes, the neodymium magnets increase blood flow to the painful area calming the nerves. VuVa™ dilators are the only patented dilators available with neodymium magnets.
4. Why use vaginal dilators?
Using expanders is better than using your fingers or other items lying around your house, as expanders are designed with different sizes, which makes it easier to gradually increase sizes. Plastic vaginal dilators are specially designed to help stretch and train the vaginal muscles and to enhance the elasticity of the vaginal tissue, making the treatment more effective.
If you experience discomfort or pain during intercourse or find yourself struggling with vaginal discharge, vaginal dilation therapy can provide relief. VuVa’s magnetic vaginal dilators are comfortable, safe and effective. Remember to be patient, get comfortable with the routine, use plenty of lube, and most importantly, go slow. It’s always okay to take a step back or slow it down. Expanders can help you regain control of your body and your sexual health, giving you a new sense of confidence and self-esteem.
How much do vaginal dilators cost for vaginal dilation to relax your vaginal muscles?
Vaginal dilators can be purchased individually or in sets. To see different options and prices, visit www.vuvatech.com