There are many reasons why you have not started organizing – some are true, and some are not. Today I will talk about 5 of the most common, and what you can do, turn your “boat” around and really make a change in your home!

I don’t know where to start
I hear it all. O. time. Hilary, I just don’t know where to start.
Go with me here … let’s pretend to choose a point to start and finally decide that it wasn’t best Place to get started…. Will really have “consequences”. Let me give you three options for where to start:
1 someone If you have a family, I often like Choose a point that is just mine that i know i’ll residence Organized – and will feel good. It reminds me that a good system works and will make the difference for my family.
2. Choose somewhere that is just a mess and making everyday life hard. Something he really needs to do. Follow the 5 -word challenge as you make a change with it:

Right now, you probably think – hilary – that’s crazy, why would I make a problem first? This seems overwhelming. The main reason is that you will see a benefit from it. The areas I have encountered that made me want to cry (but in the end I made a big difference in my life and family life:
- Snack
- Medical Council
- Coats wardrobe (coats come in but never seem to leave when we grow up from them)
Note: You will notice that none of these areas are huge. We didn’t organize my entire closet – I just made the lunch snacks and made the difference!
3 “Choose somewhere small. If you are simply shocking by making this option simply select somewhere small. Whether it is:
- Drawer
- A shelf, or even a part of a shelf in your closet or kitchen
- Only a type of clothes in your closet (also known as the shirts – or even just short sleeve shirts)
Just like processing you do not want to overdo the organization, or it will hurt a lot, it will be difficult to create systems that work and you will not want to do it again.
When you start young, it gives you small wins and you can attack it again the next day!
Looking for more home tips – be sure to see these posts:
You need the right containers
Oh, I really Feel like those organizers on Instagram have fueled this one for us very much. You have to remember that they make money when the organizers sell this family in addition to their pay to help with the organization – so, of course, they will want to have all the fancy containers.
And I agree, they look so Beautiful – but as I look at them, sometimes I realize that there is literally zero chance that my family will be able to use them properly.
Or, honestly if they are safe. There has been a tendency to “decompose” your detergents that can lead to unsafe places for children, as these beautiful containers are not safe for young children!
Let me give you some options:
Receive some dollar shop containers – Honestly, they are very useful and convenient! Start with them, and then, if you find one that works, but you would like a different look, you are not out of a bunch of cash from your first choice.
Pull things out, see what you need. See what height is your objects and then make a journey quickly to a favorite organization store (I share my favorite places to shop for procurement in this podcast):
Now, internet organizers will die when they read it, but I think it’s a good choice:
Start with Amazon boxes: I know you had some packages and you probably have some cardboard boxes around. Start with them. Similar to dollar storage information, you can calculate what works (and what you want differently) and then upgrade when you are ready.
I really used an Amazon box to organize my makeup and never returned!
I try to maintain a small variety of these types of boxes in my hand in my garage (but don’t overdo it). But don’t overdo it, these boxes can take your home!
And while we are here – reaching a good cleaning routine can also help a tone:
You’re busy
You may tell yourself that you are too busy to organize your home.
And i’m here to tell you that You are too busy not to organize your home.
The organization does not have to take full days. One of my favorite things is to choose a little point (I speak little here – a drawer, a category, etc.) and to set a timer for how long I have to pull everything out and sort them and then put this timer again to put it away.
The timer helps me make quick decisions. Very often we work for decisions that simply do not deserve our time. You can always hold a “perhaps” pile where you decide on these items.
Pro Tip: I have a perhaps drawer in my closet for clothes I’m not just sure if I finish or not – if I check back and have lost these objects (and fit) I bring them back to rotation
What lasts a lot of time is….
- Putting things away when things don’t have a defined point
- Trying to find lost items that didn’t have home and now you really need (looking at books and library passports)
- Pulling things to find what you need and then restore everything to an area that is very full
This keeps you busy. Taking 30 minutes to organize a point before flop on the couch for your Netflix time will feel so rewarding and starting to make your life less busy and honestly, more enjoyable.
Now, if you sit there thinking – Easy for you to say, Hilary – Do you want to help me? Honestly, I do – I can – I can be your organizational friend (and cost less than you think)!

You are pregnant and tired
Okay, my pregnant friend (and I have many of you since I am also The pregnancy nurse®) I get this. There really hectare Days that you just don’t feel organized. I want to recognize it. However, you may have days that you feel wildly warm and you really want to make a change.
Take advantage of those days (especially the nest of pregnant Mammas).
I know it’s not just the pregnant peeps that have this issue. You may have recently had surgery or have a long -term illness that prevents you from doing whatever you want to do.
But you will You have days that you feel better – and when you do, start small. Make a change and promise yourself to do it again on your next good day!

You are overwhelmed
Okay, so she’s mostly boiling down on it.

I honestly believe that many of the above excuses are really only the crash.
That I get entirely.
Recently we looked at my closet and I had all the threads and concepts out and when the new cabinet was in place, I just wanted to burn it all instead of bringing it back.
But do you know what I did instead? Following these principles of 5 -word organization I:
- Sorted things into categories “such as”
- I got some dollar trees for drawers so I can contain these categories
- And I made it work.
Was it perfect? No. Did he need to be? Also, no – because everyone knows that my sewing is also not perfect 😅 (away from it).
The crash is normal. Honestly, just ignoring that it can also be very normal, which is how we get shows like Hoarders.
However, you can make a change. When I learned the authorities in the organized house, it changed everything to me.
I was able to declutter faster
I was able to know how I wanted to use a space (so my brain was involved with the process from the beginning)
I created systems that really worked and facilitated my life.
If you are tired of feeling like the controls of your home you Instead of the reverse, I would recommend 100% to join. I think you will enjoy the changes you make!