Our whole life is defined and shaped by our own processes of thinking. A process that includes our behavior and reactions. Do you know when a return is more powerful than a backward one? When you form your thoughts in a way that prepares you to fight and take over your life.
Fighting back is not easy, especially when you hit the rock when all you see is the darkness around you, but it’s also time to prepare to come back and face your fears. Fighting all fears and conquer them, one at a time.
I went through an important failure just one year back. My blog Sanity Daily attacked and targeted by a digital trader I trusted in the core. Not only did she leave my blog on Doom, but she also makes sure that I did not spread the word for her unprofessionalism, so she arrived at our few common contacts and handled them.
Being an HSP (very sensitive person) influenced me for a while, wrote bad things to me and meant things, but I never answered her, I noticed everything from a distance, took my time, sat down and slept what happened. Then I chanted all my energy to rebuild myself. I got this as an opportunity to do things in different ways and start fresh. Leaving everything in the past.
I found another person to help me correct the blog, learned a few things, I was working very hard to bring back the lost position of my blog and today my blog is ranked among the top Mental Health Blog catalogs and has reached many other lists (organic).
I started winning through my blog with the consistent and writing what my readers wanted to read. Next month, my Daily Mental Health blog will complete the second year in this digital space with more than 2.70,000 page views and readers in 60 countries.
So yes, a return is strong from a regression, but we have to work on it, we have to ignore a lot in the process. We have taken our struggles wisely. We have to be very careful in our choices, if I had put my energy literally struggling with her, send her, pursue her, trying to understand why she did what she did, maybe I would have lost it completely. Believe me, it had caused me a lot.
I worked on my return because I don’t only sign up on Blabber in a digital media, I have taken a cause in my hand, people need help and people need listening and sharing, so I kept moving.
Now, with the divorce process that is happening with me, I am somewhere between a regression and a return, but I see a silver investment, a radius of hope, that although things are hard today it will be better tomorrow. And, I’m working on it.
5 reasons for which a return is strong from a regression
Return is more powerful than a regression because it transforms a lot within you. It is not always the natural weight we carry that makes us feel heavy, it is also the mental luggage, the luggage of the past that makes us feel heavier.
We have to work on them, we may not get closer as we want, but we can get some peace for ourselves and prepare for better things ahead. Here are some reasons that will help you understand why a return is stronger than a setback.
1.) helps you set better limits
When you trust people blindly, they sometimes get excessive advantage of it. When you can’t say no, you take it for granted.
2.) Learn to see through things and people
With every setback you come across, you develop new visually, to see the world around you, to see the people around you.
3.) You take computational hazards
Maybe, so far, you know what your choices will take you. Analyze, calculate, and then proceed with your personal and professional choices.
4.) Know the pain and treatment process
The process helps you get a different perspective, through which you could also be able to guide others, travel to the same boat. Nothing beats a personal experience of real life to help others.
5.) Helps you build better relationships with others and yourself
A return is more powerful than a setback when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and take time away. It not only helps you build strong relationships with yourself, but also with others.
There are countless stories of people who have failed after failure and then continued to win the game called Life. The struggle is difficult and the pain is more difficult, but it doesn’t make it more important?
Why should we wait for someone to hit us, why should we wait for someone to guide us, to guide us? What about hitting ourselves? What would you say to be our biggest fan and start ourselves first? Remember, a return is stronger than a backward, start planning for your big win. Rise!
Love and light