Maintaining a regular workout routine can feel like a chore, and as the cold weather begins to set in, the desire to constantly push and improve can understandably begin to wane whether you’re a confirmed couch potato or even a die-hard fitness enthusiast. Finding the motivation to move when it drops into the single digits outside can seem almost impossible, but once you get started you exercise regularlytaking even a few weeks off can destroy all the progress you’ve made.
Fortunately, exercising during the winter months has many benefits that will help you overcome this initial hurdle. Indeed, with little to do, winter could be the ideal season explore some unique cycling holidays Either outside or inside, and start your gym!
Types of winter exercises
Finding the perfect workout routine for you is important – it needs to work for your lifestyle needs and your end goal. Not all fitness goals are the same and so are not all routines. What may work for your partner, best friend or neighbor may not work for you.
Aerobic exercises in winter
Aerobic routines are repetitive and prolonged activities that keep your heart beating faster, such as walking, hiking, cycling and swimming. In the colder temperatures of winter, these activities can be more enjoyable, reducing the risk of overheating and making endurance training more comfortable.
Strength training in colder months
Strength training can be gained either by using your body weight and doing routines at home such as planks and push-ups, or by using equipment to propel your body, making your muscles work against a force create resistance. During the winter, indoor strength training is crucial to maintaining muscle mass when outdoor activities are limited.
Flexibility works with joint mobility training, allowing your body to move freely without restriction. Getting into a routine like yoga or stretching, especially in the morning or before bed, can help keep your bones healthy and is especially beneficial in the winter to combat stiffness caused by the cold.
Balance exercises
Flexibility works with joint mobility training, allowing your body to move freely without restriction. Getting into a routine like yoga or stretching, especially in the morning or before bed, can help keep your bones healthy and is especially beneficial in the winter to combat stiffness caused by the cold.
The benefits of winter exercise
Improves your Mood
Exercise is known to release endorphins, which relieve pain, reduce stress and generally make us feel good. During the winter months, this is even more important as thousands of people in the UK alone suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which occurs when the clocks go back and we see less natural light.
It helps you sleep
Regular exercise can also help regulate sleep patterns because when your body is used to a routine that involves more vigorous physical activity, you’re more likely to fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, longer sleep. restful REM sleep.
As you incorporate exercise into your daily routine, you may also find that it naturally becomes more enjoyable and begins to feel like less of a chore. Half the battle of any fitness journey is finding a routine you enjoy, and the better you sleep, the more likely the exercise will actually be enjoyable.
It strengthens your immune system
If you’re looking to boost your endurance, exercising in colder weather can help your body work more efficiently, allowing you to push yourself harder during workouts even in the warmer months.
It also has a significant positive impact on your heart, because if your body works harder maintains its core temperaturenot only will you burn more calories but you will also improve your circulation.
This could catalyze a long-term boost in cardiovascular fitness, making your heart beat harder and your lungs breathe deeper.
It burns more calories
In colder weather, your body doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool, so you can burn calories more efficiently during exercise. Exposure to cold temperatures also encourages the activation of brown fat, which burns calories to produce heat, so you’ll do less to burn more. Isn’t that the dream?
However, while the cold months shouldn’t hold you back, it’s worth mentioning that during the winter, your body will need more fuel to continue to function at optimal levels.
While exercise is essential, a well-balanced diet is equally important for a strong immune system. Proper nutrition provides your body with the nutrients it needs to support your overall health. Consider incorporating foods that boost your immune system, such as citrus fruits, peppers, and yogurts.
Final thoughts
While staying fit and maintaining such a routine during the winter months is important, safety can also be a concern when it comes to temperature and visibility. Before going out, be sure to check the weather conditions and dress appropriately, protecting your hands, ears and feet. Ensuring you are visible to cars and others outside as in the winter months comes shorter daylight hours.
Alternatively, skipping your workout is fine. It’s a good idea to plan a home workout for these times just in case, if you prefer to be outdoors.