Not long ago, all Sti tests were done at the doctor’s office or clinic. You should make an appointment, travel to the site and often have a physical exam. Some people fought with the time of time, transportation and care of children who had to make an appointment, while others were uncomfortable with the process.
The development of the Internet and Consumer Health Care companies combined with improved testing technology has led to an increase in new home choices in recent years. And the introduction of home tests for Covid during the pandemic made us be more comfortable with the idea of ​​being our own laboratory technicians.
Public Health Experts believe that home tests are able to extend the STI test across the country, especially in areas that do not have too many healthcare providers. Still, experts are wondering if these methods will be popular, especially with young people who may have concerns about themselves or dispute whether the results will be so accurate.
The good news is that A new study was found That a overwhelming number of young people feels comfortable with the idea of ​​testing sexually transmitted infections (STI) at home.
Researchers at the University of Michigan were hired by more than 760 young people aged 14 to 24 using targeting social media advertising on Facebook and Instagram. To be eligible, young people had to access a mobile device that could send and receive texts and had to be able to read and write in English.
Participants sent a list of six questions about Sti tests and were asked to respond to three of them through text. The research was simple. He told the participants to “imagine that it is possible to try yourself at home for STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonia) free through a urine sample or a vaginal seam.” And then asked the following questions:
- If you need testing would you use this free home test?
- If it costs the same, would you rather try for STDs at home or on the face? Why?
- How would you like to get the Sti Test Kit in your home if you need one (mail, be received at the Clinic/School/Doctor/Pharmacy Office, in some other way)? Why?
- What, if anything, would make you difficult to use Home Sti Testing?
- Do you feel confident that you could properly collect a urine sample at home if instructions are given? Why or why not?
- If you have a trick, do you feel confident that you could properly collect a vaginal layer at home if instructions are given? Why or why not?
The majority of respondents (70%) said they would prefer to try for STDs at home to transition to the doctor’s office or clinic. An imposing 91% said he would use home testing if he was free. Respondents reported ease, privacy and comfort as reasons to prefer Sti-collection kits. As a 24 -year -old woman said in the text of her answer, “yes! It sounds like a good idea and removes 95% of the barriers to test.”
Having tests that were lived directly to their home was the delivery preference for most (80%) respondents, but 39% would prefer to get their kits from a pharmacy, 26% would like to get them from their provider’s office and 6% said they would get them to school. Some of the young people asked wanted an approach to “all of the above”. One participant said: “I think the available everywhere will be the most important, since not everyone is in the same situation.”
Young people had some trial concerns: 34% were worried about their ability to properly use the test, 22% were worried about the accuracy of the results, and 19% were worried about privacy throughout the process than taking it to the post office to use it.
Researchers see these results are positive despite these concerns. The senior author of the study Dr. Okeoma Mmeje said: “There is an urgent need to prioritize and increase the accessibility of sexually transmitted infections between young people. Self-collection is an effective alternative that faces obstacles that often prevent this population from the search for traditional services. can enhance young people to take on their sexual health without fear of a crisis or social stigma. “
There are currently fully available home testing for syphilis and HIV. These tests allow you to collect your sample and get your results immediately. The test kits have information about what to do if you try positives, which often include planning a telecommunication visit.
Most test kits currently on the market – including those for gonorrhea, chlamydia, haircut and hepatitis C – cover you with a sample of blood, urine or genital fluids and send it back to a laboratory for analysis. While only a few of these tests have been officially approved by the FDA, experts agree that they must be as accurate as the tests that are done in a provider’s office.
There are also herpes tests available, but experts warn that these tests often give false positive results. You can use a home collection test to block herpes, but if you have a positive result, you should review with a provider.