The moment you turn 38u Pregnancy week, the ninth month of your pregnancy is half over.
Your baby is gradually making its way into the womb and is getting ready to meet you within a week or two. Or, you can deliver your baby any time now. But at this stage, you may go through several physical and emotional changes with your baby.
See the changes in your baby
At this stage, your baby is considered ‘complete’. All the organs and their physical characteristics are fully developed by now. See your baby’s developments clearly through some tests and scans.
- Your baby will weigh around 3.2kg and be between 48cm and 52cm from head to toe. The longer your baby stays inside your womb, the more it will continue to grow and build a layer of fat to keep it warm inside.
- The ‘lanugo’, the fine hair that covers the baby’s body, has largely fallen out at this time. If you happen to give birth to your baby now, your baby may be born with a full head of hair or maybe bald.
- Vernix is ​​a white and creamy substance on the baby’s body that can keep the baby’s skin safe from the amniotic fluid. When it’s time for the baby to be born, they will leave the womb with a few patches of skin on their skin as the vernix will still be there.
- The baby’s gut will be improving by now. They will swallow the amniotic fluid. which will accumulate in the intestine. Along with the amniotic fluid, the intestine will also have shed cells, bile and the baby’s waste into it. After all, it will turn out to be the first plug (meconium) when you need to change your baby’s diaper for the first time.
- The baby’s eye color will be blue gray or brown.
- The hands will have a firm grip.
- The nervous system and brain will have improved by now.
- The vocal cords are strong at this point. This means that after giving birth, they are ready to cry and cry.
- Your baby’s lungs are stronger at this stage. They are producing more surfactant this week. Surfactants can protect the air sacs in the lungs from sticking together when your baby starts breathing.
Watch your body change
As your baby gradually grows and prepares to leave the womb, your body also makes its final preparations in the 38th week of pregnancy.
- When you visit the doctor this week, the doctor will check to see if your baby has taken the head-down position and dropped into the pelvic area. At this stage, you will feel a “dropping” sensation in the pelvis. Increased pressure from the baby can also make you feel uncomfortable and painful. You will also feel the need to visit the bathroom more often.
- Signs of labor will be common at this stage. Painful contractions (Braxton Hicks contractions) will be strong by now. Uncomfortable false contractions can keep the cervix dilated and ripe for labor and delivery.
- As the cervix dilates or ripens, you may experience more vaginal discharge with a pink or brown blood tinge.
- If you notice signs of water breaking, you may need to go to the hospital right away. Water breaking is almost like a big gush of water dripping out. This can also make you feel like you’re leaking urine. Once your water breaks, your baby may be less protected from infections and you may need to visit the hospital immediately. You may give birth to your baby very soon.
- You will feel swelling in your feet, ankles, hands and face. Swelling is common in the last weeks of pregnancy.
- At this stage, your breasts are getting ready to feed your baby the moment you meet the child. You feel your breasts leaking as they produce colostrum.
- Your developing belly can leave you with stretch marks and some itchiness at this stage.
- You will be able to feel a change in the energy level, making you want to clean everything around you.
- You will feel tired in your body and mind, dealing with so many things happening in your body and thinking about the healthy birth of the baby.
How to deal with pregnancy symptoms of 38u Week;
It’s almost time! You are preparing to give birth to your baby. Although dealing with so many ups and downs has not been easy for you, there is much you can do for yourself.
- Show your itchy, stretchy belly some love by rubbing a doctor-prescribed moisturizing lotion or coconut oil on it.
- Since you’re feeling bloated, make sure you wear maternity clothes that aren’t too tight. You can also have a doctor check for pre-eclampsia for your swelling.
- Wear supportive underwear for your leaking breasts.
- Your anxiety and other pregnancy symptoms this week won’t let you sleep. Try not to aggravate this condition by increasing your screen time. Instead, you can read a book or listen to soft music to drift off to sleep.
- It’s good to clean before your baby arrives, but be careful not to wear out. Conserve your postpartum energy and take some time to organize your closet.
- Stay active to deal with this week’s pregnancy symptoms. Walk as much as you can and do Kegels to reduce labor pain. Eat a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water. Rest as much as you can.
- Keep hospital bags packed and ready. Place the cord blood collection kit into it.
- Don’t miss your doctor’s appointment.
The last few weeks and that’s it! You are ready to go! Just take it easy.
I hope you enjoyed your pregnancy journey and give birth to a healthy baby very soon.
Good work and delivery to you!