If you struggle with digestive issues like gas or bloating, you may wonder if something you’re eating is to blame. Home health testing kits have become increasingly popular, and food sensitivity tests are marketed to people looking for information about how their diet affects their bodies.
There’s no denying the appeal of home testing. It seems easier and more convenient than scheduling an office visit, and results are often accessible via cell phone or computer within 1 to 2 weeks. But how accurate are the results, and is the food sensitivity test really the best option for pinpointing the root cause of your problems?
In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about food sensitivity testing.
What are food sensitivity tests?
Food sensitivity tests are designed to analyze how your body reacts to certain foods to help you identify what may be contributing to digestive problems and other health issues such as headaches, brain fog, and acne.
Unlike a food allergy, food sensitivities do not cause life-threatening symptoms and may not show immediate symptoms. Food sensitivities are also different from food intolerances, which are the inability to digest certain foods. Food sensitivity tests do not test food allergies or intolerances.
Symptoms of a food sensitivity often depend on how much of a given food you eat and may include:
Abdominal pain
Motion sickness
These symptoms are common and may not always be caused by food. Many factors can cause digestive discomfort, including:
How does food sensitivity testing work?
A food sensitivity test requires you to mail in a blood or saliva sample, which measures antibody levels to a long list of foods — usually over 100 different foods.
The food sensitivity test should not be confused with the food allergy test, which measures different types of antibodies. Food sensitivity tests measure IgG or immunoglobulin G, and food allergy tests measure immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Results are provided for each food tested. Foods are usually rated or color coded by the amount of IgG antibody which was detected. Foods with the highest IgG levels are considered the foods you are sensitive to and should eliminate from your diet.
Some food sensitivity tests include basic information about completing an elimination diet once you receive your results.
Accuracy of home food sensitivity test kits
Antibody testing sounds scientific, but it turns out that IgG antibodies are not a reliable method for identifying food sensitivities.
The researchers concluded that IgG in the blood is a normal immune response that occurs with exposure to all types of food in healthy individuals. In fact, researchers believe that high IgG scores may actually be a sign food tolerance. While other types of antibodies may indicate an allergy or infection, the presence of IgG is not a cause for concern.
Not surprisingly, foods that you eat frequently (i.e. more exposure) may have higher IgG scores and flag as a potential trigger on food sensitivity tests.
Food sensitivity testing can lead you to eliminate foods unnecessarily, which can increase your risk for nutrient deficiencies, create feelings of deprivation, increase anxiety about food choices, and contribute to disordered eating. Food sensitivity tests are also limited in the number of foods they test for, so they could miss a potential sensitivity.
For these reasons, many health professionals and organizations, including American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunologydo not recommend using food sensitivity tests.
An elimination diet, where you identify and remove suspect foods for a period of time and then reintroduce them, is the best way to determine if you may have a food sensitivity.
The bottom line? A food sensitivity test probably won’t produce reliable results, which doesn’t help you improve your health and is a waste of time and money.
Alternatives to food sensitivity testing
If you suspect that something in your diet doesn’t agree with you or is causing digestive distress, there are a few options to help you get answers.
Start by keeping a food diary. For several weeks, record everything you eat and drink in a day. Note the timing of your meals and the size of your portions, if possible. If you experience symptoms such as bloating or diarrhea, note when they occur.
Checking with your doctor is a good idea to rule out other conditions that may be causing symptoms.
Individual nutritional counseling with a registered dietitian can help you review your food diary, spot patterns, and link symptoms to potential trigger foods. We can also provide guidance on how to safely complete an elimination diet, such as a low-FODMAP diet, to determine if your suspected triggers are actually causing your symptoms. Contact us to get started today.