You have enjoyed your nine months of transporting your baby with happiness and challenges. Now that you have given birth to your newborn, you will face a new wave of challenges. Your fatigue and emotional upheavals will not leave you behind. While fighting the challenges after childbirth, staying active should be your goal. Returning to the figure immediately after your baby’s delivery will not be so easy.
This guide will definitely help you start moving again and staying physically and mentally.
The 10 best exercises for new mothers and their benefits
The main goal behind the exercises in the post -childbirth regime is to boost and stimulate abdominal muscles, enjoy a quiet sleep and lose these extra pounds that are gained during pregnancy. With baby in your arms, you have a lot to look at your body and mind. So here’s the 10 exercises you can do:
Pelvic floor exercises or barrels
You can start making the barrels right after your child is born. You can start doing this exercise to earn the following benefits:
- To prevent incontinence
- To strengthen the vaginal muscles
- To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
- To prevent yourself from accidentally passing stools
- To improve orgasm
Tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, hold for at least 10 seconds and repeat it as and when you can throughout the day.
Diaphragmatic breathing
It is a deep respiratory exercise in its early days after childbirth. How does it help?
- Proper breathing creates a foundation for treatment
- Holds the inner core
- Slows your breathing rate
- Breathing deeply increases blood circulation
- Reduces anxiety
- Manufactures durability.
So, while practicing deep breathing you lie on the floor, keep your body loose and put your hand on your chest and stomach. Breathe for 2 to 3 seconds and continue to repeat.
By 12 weeks of your baby’s delivery, you should heal in. If you had a simple pregnancy, it is safe for you to start practicing a few days after your baby is delivered. You start walking the moment you feel you are ready. Walking is One of the best exercises. Wear your sneakers and get ready for walking. Start by walking slowly each day and increase the duration and distance daily. Think about stopping after every 10 or 15 minutes. Try not to exercise yourself. This will enhance your back, enhance your buttocks muscles and help you emphasize your stomach.
Holds Swiss Ball Bird Dog Holds
To do this exercise, you have to lie on top of an exercise ball. Your whole body will be in a straight line. Your palms and fingers will touch the ground. Try to keep yourself in this position for 1 to 2 seconds. This activity will help you reduce back pain and make you feel firm.
Green Gluten Bridge
You need an exercise ball again to perform this activity. You can start this activity with your back, keeping the flat on the ground. Keep your knees bent and try to keep the ball firmly with your feet. Keep your feet flat on the ball. Put the pressure through the heels. Lift the hips in the air. Make 3 to 4 sets at 10 to 20 times. This is a very good exercise for your pelvic floor and core. This works perfectly in abdominal muscles, quadriceps, buttocks and hamstrings.
You have to lie down on your stomach with your arms and legs on the floor. Keep your elbows under your shoulders. Compared to your deep abdominal muscles. Try to bring your belly to your spine and keep the bottom and upper part of your body tight. Keep yourself in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat this activity once or twice in the first week after the baby’s delivery. With this activity, you will be able to maintain the core. The muscles in the upper part of the body are reinforced. Your buttocks get a nice lift.
Side boards
A slide plate is a perfectly safe exercise after childbirth. Start with a modified side board and gradually work. Make a regular side board and make a side board by lifting the legs. This activity will work in your oblique, butterfly and shoulder muscles.
Straight curl -up (a) and (b)
You can do this exercise with your baby. Lie on your back with your feet and legs flat on the floor when you make a straight curl -up (a). Raise your baby and look up high. Do this at least 10 to 15 times. Lift your head, neck and shoulder as you are in the straight curl -up (b) position as you lie on your back and bend your knees with your baby on your abs. Increases the abdominal strength and strength of the core.
Stretching (butterfly) sets
The yoga pose or Baddha Konasana butterfly is a hip attitude. Lie on your back while performing this activity and put your baby on your stomach. It reduces intensity and hassle in the inner thighs and legs. Increases energy levels. Improves the flexibility and quality of your sleep.
After all, the post -childbirth period is not only about your baby’s care, but the care of yourself.
Take care and stay healthy! You have a long way to go as a mother.