In a recent article published in the journal Scientific Reports, The researchers conducted multiple focus group sessions with developers of neural implants based on artificial intelligence (AI). While these technologies represent some of the most exciting, useful, and cutting-edge medical research of the current decade, their utility raises ethical challenges that must be overcome before their application becomes “mainstream.” The study focuses on design aspects, current challenges faced during clinical trials and the overall impact of these technologies on their users (patients) and society.
Study: Developer perspectives on the ethics of artificial intelligence-based neural implants: a qualitative study. Image credit: metamorworks / Shutterstock
This study identifies three key areas of the empirical literature where substantial progress is needed: 1. Briefly defining the objectives, uncertainties and development barriers faced by the implementation in question. 2. Improvements in model accuracy and reliability and 3. User privacy. Finally, the paper discusses possible mitigation measures that may accelerate this process and allow this promising field to be implemented sooner rather than later.
Neural implants driven by AI
Colloquially known as ‘brain implants’, neural implants are surgically placed inside the patient’s body. These brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are programmed to communicate with or tamper with brain neurons with little or no side effects. They are intended for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from neurological disabilities (sight, speech and hearing).
Despite their relative novelty, neural implants for cognitive enhancement or patient rehabilitation and rehabilitation are some of the fastest growing areas of clinical research in the world today and represent the ideal confluence of neuroscience and nanotechnology. Recent advances in machine learning (ML) and signal processing technologies have further enhanced research in the field, highlighting the significant improvements in long-term quality of life (QoL) that these scientific advances can provide. Already, AI scientists and developers are engaged in the design and testing of artificial intelligence cochlear implants (AI-CI), AI-based visual neural implants (AI-VNI), and speech-brain-computer interface implanted with AI-speech- BCI) to mitigate hearing, vision and speech disabilities, respectively.
Unfortunately, the pace of these technological advances has far outstripped that of the ethical and user-centered, non-medical debate, raising strong concerns about the safety of AI and its design and implementation that protect user privacy. Since researchers involved in designing, testing, and revising tools present the best focus group within which to discuss these challenges and brainstorm mitigation measures, the present study provides a platform for this discussion. It compiles these results into potentially actionable mitigation recommendations.
About the study
The present study is a qualitative analysis that aims to explore different perspectives from current and past experts in neurotechnology, particularly those currently involved in the development of Cis, VNIs and speech-BCIs. Participants for the study were selected based on their expertise in academic research related to neurological issues, rehabilitation, product design and marketing, as well as social and psychological experts. Selected participants who gave written consent (N = 22) were enrolled in the study, of which 19 provided complete information (attending all required FG sessions) and were included in the qualitative synthesis.
“Due to the wide variety of disciplines involved in VNI development, we organized two focus groups including VNI developers (FG2 and FG3). FG2 included respondents involved in the early stages of development (i.e., hardware and software development and preclinical testing ).FG3 included respondents who had been involved in the clinical implementation of a retinal implant and who were likely to participate in future clinical trials of VNI.”
Each focus group (FG) was semi-structured, included 9-12 participants and ran for an average of 88 minutes. While briefly introduced, discussion topics were not strictly defined, allowing developers to provide their experience-based perspectives on field challenges and potential mitigation measures. Data analyzes were conducted thematically for each of the three broad issues identified during the FGs.
Study findings and conclusions
The present study identified three main themes during the three FGs – 1. Design aspects, 2. Challenges to be considered during clinical trials, 3. Overall implications (especially privacy and ethics) on users and society .
Respondents emphasized the need for future AI-based technologies to go significantly beyond the “gold standards” of current neurological rehabilitation applications (eg, hearing aids). This entails improvements in user-friendliness (ease of use) and performance before these technologies provide benefits perceived by society, in turn enhancing their adoption. The reliability and accuracy of these new technologies were further included in the discussion, with respondents agreeing that these devices should be designed from the ground up with user safety and device reliability in mind.
Most of these challenges require additional clinical trials to be answered and addressed. Unfortunately, clinical trials involving these surgically implanted, invasive devices present their own challenges – 1. Surgical risks must account for invasive brain surgery and trade-offs between precision and generalizability. symptoms, sociodemographic and medical history, and 3. Dropout after the end of the course may be much more detrimental to the patient when the trial is stopped early due to the semi-permanent nature of the implants and their placement site (patient’s brain).
Finally, social data revealed that respondents are concerned not only with the ethical and moral considerations of these technologies on their users but also with society as a whole – the application of sound amplification implants may allow patients to inadvertently eavesdrop on people in their environment. endangering the privacy of their neighbors and by extension society. Given the irreplaceable role of societal approval in the success of this (and all) innovative ventures, ensuring that people (both users and their neighbors) maintain their perception of security and privacy is essential.
“Our study showed that there is a tension between the potential benefits of artificial intelligence in these devices in terms of efficiency and improved options for interpreting complex data input, and the potential negative impacts on the security, authenticity and psychological privacy of users. The functional device would increase independence and thus promote users’ autonomy, the potential negative effects may simultaneously harm users’ autonomy. ethical analysis is needed to explore this tension further.’