Melissa, pregnant for the first time, spoke live to MotherToBaby via our website: “Hi, I’m 29 weeks pregnant and wondering about vaccines. I’ve seen so many different things online and I’m worried about getting really sick while pregnant. You can help?”
Melissa is not alone. Many people contact MotherToBaby to find the most up-to-date information about vaccines during pregnancy. Protection against circulating viruses can also help protect your developing baby. Infections such as the flu, whooping cough, rubella, chickenpox and COVID-19 can cause serious problems for both a pregnant person and their developing baby. Under the light of August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NAIM), Let’s browse through the current recommendations.
Plan to get some vaccines before pregnancy
You may have heard that there are some vaccines that you should not get during pregnancy. These ‘live’ vaccines are avoided as they are made from viruses or bacteria that have been weakened but not killed. Because of the small chance of a live vaccine causing the disease itself, live vaccines are not routinely given to pregnant women.
So how can you protect yourself and your developing baby from viruses like measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chicken pox) if it’s not recommended (aka contraindicated) to get the vaccine during pregnancy? Your healthcare provider may take your titers (a lab test that measures antibody levels in the blood) before pregnancy to make sure you have enough antibodies to protect against these infections during pregnancy. Low titer levels? You can safely receive the necessary live vaccines required before that positive pregnancy test! Out of an abundance of caution (low chance of this infection) It is recommended to wait at least one month before getting pregnant after these vaccines. This is just one reason why it’s beneficial to get a pre-pregnancy health check and discuss any future conception plans with your provider!
Continue with recommended vaccinations during pregnancy and encourage others to do so
So, which vaccines should you get during pregnancy?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all people who are pregnant get the flu vaccine every year and a Tdap (tetanus diphtheria pertussis) vaccine for each pregnancy and the most up-to-date COVID vaccine when you are due. These vaccines are not live vaccines and have not been associated with an increased chance of birth defects or pregnancy complications. An exception would be the live attenuated flu vaccine which is intranasal (given through the nose).
The flu vaccine is usually available in September and is offered throughout the flu season. The CDC recommends to get the flu shot by the end of October despite the fact that flu seasons vary in their timing from season to season. This time helps protect a pregnant woman before flu activity starts to increase. Protection starts about two weeks after getting the flu shot and lasts for at least six to eight months. It is necessary to get the seasonal flu vaccine every year to protect yourself during the current flu season. Getting vaccinated during your pregnancy can also help protect your baby from getting sick in the first 6 months of his life! This is especially important because infants under 6 months of age cannot receive the flu vaccine.
“I just had a Tdap shot a few years ago – so I don’t need another one, right?” Melissa asked a very common question we get about the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy. Although this vaccine is recommended for adults every 10 years, for people who are pregnant, who get the vaccine at 3rd trimester (specifically 27-36 weeks of gestation) can help the baby get as much of the mother’s antibodies as possible. After birth, these antibodies provide some protection against whooping cough (a highly contagious respiratory infection) until the baby can receive its own dTAP vaccine (at 2 months of age). In addition, having everyone who lives with you and any carers get the vaccine can reduce the chance of the baby getting whooping cough.
It is known that pregnant women are more likely to become very ill from COVID-19 compared to those who are not pregnant. That’s why it’s so important to get your COVID-19 vaccinations when you’re due, at any time during pregnancy, for the best protection against serious illness. The CDC recommends that an updated (no longer called a “booster”) Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine be up-to-date:
Pregnant women receiving vaccines can also share their experiences with maternal health researchers like MotherToBaby. Our studies are published in medical journals and product labels and can help others like you when navigating pregnancy vaccine decisions.
There are no vaccines to prevent certain infections
Many people are packing their bags for a getaway during these summer months. If you’re thinking about an upcoming vacation or babymoon, it’s important to protect yourself from viruses and infections with the right vaccines for that area. Where are you going? Check with your healthcare provider about any specific travel vaccines you may need. The CDC recommends that you discuss any travel plans with your provider 4-6 weeks before your trip. Contact MotherToBaby to review information about any vaccines recommended by your healthcare provider.
Zika is a virus that is usually spread by mosquitoes. Infection with the Zika virus during pregnancy is known to increase the risk of serious and lifelong problems for the baby. Although there are currently no cases of the Zika virus, it may still be circulating at some levels in many countries and there is currently no vaccine or treatment for Zika! The safest approach during pregnancy would be to avoid traveling to areas with any possible level of risk. If you choose to travel, it is important to protect yourself by using the recommended insect repellents other ways to help reduce risk.
Although masks are no longer required in most public places, this is still a great way to reduce the risk of infection and illness when you are around others! Good hand washing, good ventilation, air conditioning, staying outdoors as much as possible, etc. can also be considered.
After speaking with Melissa, she has decided to schedule her appointment for the COVID-19 and Tdap shots (you can get them at the same time!) and will go as soon as possible when the flu shot is available for this season. She felt reassured knowing that she had decided to give herself and her growing baby the best possible protection against these diseases. “Thank you for all this information! I just want to make the best choice for me and my baby – I feel so much better.”
Do you have questions about vaccines during pregnancy? Call, chat, text or email MotherToBaby!